I am facing a issue while uploading the image to Meteor's /public folder. The Flow works flawless, only the thing is the images are corrupt.
<form class="documentForm" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<label for="signature">Upload image of Signature</label>
<input type="file" name="signature" id="signature" required>
<label for="panCard">Upload image of Pan Card Only.</label>
<input type="file" name="panCard" id="panCard" required>
<button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit">Upload</button>
<button class="btn btn-warning" id="reset">Reset</button>
'submit .documentForm': function(event, template){
var signatureImage = event.target.signature.files[0];
var panCardImage = event.target.panCard.files[0];
Meteor.call('upload', signatureImage, panCardImage, function(error, response){
Bert.alert("<strong>Error !</strong> Some Problem occured while submitting documents.", 'danger', 'fixed-top' );
} else if(response){
Bert.alert("<strong>Success !</strong> Documents uploaded.", 'success', 'fixed-top' );
return false;
'upload'(signatureImage, panCardImage){
const fs = Npm.require('fs');
var signatureFileName = Meteor.userId() + "_signature.jpg";
var panCardFileName = Meteor.userId() + "_pancard.jpg";
var path = process.env['METEOR_SHELL_DIR'] + '/../../../public/img/userdocuments/';
/*var encoding = {encoding: 'binary'};*/
fs.writeFile(path + signatureFileName, signatureImage, Meteor.bindEnvironment(function (err) {
if (err) {
} else {
log.debug("Signature upload - " + Meteor.userId());
fs.writeFile(path + panCardFileName, panCardImage, Meteor.bindEnvironment(function (err) {
if (err) {
} else {
log.debug("Pan Card upload - " + Meteor.userId());
return true;
why my image is corrupt? what should I do to rectify my mistake?
You can't (or shouldn't - you choose) add files to the /public folder, for a number of reasons...
- In development meteor will restart - this may be causing the corruption
- The location of /public at run time is not the same as where your source is.
- The file system where the meteor code is deployed is likely to be read only on the production system
- On mobile platforms you don't have easy access to save files on the device, and the space is limited
While it is technically possible to define a location on the file system where your app can save files, and then either symlink this location in so that it's somewhere under /public, or run another express server just to serve up those files, it's not really best practice.
You should either look to store your uploaded files on a service such as AWS S3, or store them in the Mongo database. There are several packages which can help you achieve this, off the top of my head ostrio:files, vsivsi:file-collection and jalik:ufs