I am working with the following code and can't find what is wrong:
xx = 0:1/50:1;
v = 3.*exp(-xx)-0.4*xx;
xq = xx;
vq = @(xq) interp1(xx,v,xq);
tspan = 0:1/50:1;
x0 = 3;
[~, y2] = ode45(@(t,x)vq(x), tspan, x0);
I get that y2 = [3;NAN;NAN;NAN,.....]
. Yet, when I plot both equations before calling ode45
, I get that they are equal, which is not a surprise.
When I compute:
f = @(t,r) 3.*exp(-r)-0.4*r;
[~, y] = ode45(f,tspan,x0);
it works fine. But I need to show that I can get the same results if I interpolate. Why is that not working?
You get NaN
because that is the default returned by interp1 for values outside of the interval spanned by xx
. In you case, xx
only varies from 0
to 1
. But your initial condition is at 3
. If you're going to use interpolation you need start inside of the interval defined by your data and make sure you stay there. For example, if you simply change your initial condition:
xx = 0:1/50:1;
v = 3.*exp(-xx)-0.4*xx;
xq = xx;
vq = @(xq) interp1(xx,v,xq);
tspan = 0:1/50:1;
x0 = 0.1;
[t, y2] = ode45(@(t,x)vq(x), tspan, x0);
f = @(t,r) 3.*exp(-r)-0.4*r;
[t, y] = ode45(f,tspan,x0);
ylabel('Absolute Error')
Even with this initial condition, because of the exponential growth, at a certain point the state of the system leaves your [0, 1] interval and y2
will become NaN
. You can tell interp1
to use actual extrapolation if you prefer though.