I am trying to install the Sphinx Search Server. I followed the steps given here http://itsonrail.wordpress.com/2010/05/23/installing-sphinx-on%C2%A0windows/
I added C:\Sphinx\bin
to environment path and Sphinx Search is listed in the Services panel. When I try to start it, this error occurs:
Windows could not start SphinxSearch service on local computer
Error: 1067 The process terminated unexpectedly.
Please help me solving this problem. Thanks in advance.
I trid this http://sphinxsearch.com/forum/view.html?id=2684 but it didn't help.
I had the same error in my Windows 7 x64. The step below helped to solve my problem:
Create folders data and log in C:\Sphinx. Then try to start sphinx with cmd:
I have faced the same problem and eventually moved the sphnix.conf to C:\Sphinx\bin\sphnix.conf from root and the services starts. Please try this. (Please make sure there are data\, log\ directories in the root with write permission)
It is looking like your configuration is not setup properly. Have you tried to run search daemon from sphinx directory path via command prompt?
C:\sphinx\bin> searchd
C:\sphinx\bin>indexer --rotate –all
Also please ensure the log via search.log or windows event log.
If it is not running after this than try to reinstall it again
I hope it will work for you
Error 1067 doesn't say much about the problem, except that the process terminated unexpectedly. Try looking some more informations in searchd.log.
I've got same error code when I tried to update Sphinx with newer version. In the log file, I've found
FATAL: no valid indexes to serve
My problem was that I tried running new version of Sphinx using index files created with an older version. It was solved by deleting all old index files and creating new indexes.
==>> close your cmd window and restart the sphinxsearch service...
I got this error suddenly, when Shpinx was working fine yesterday. Turns out the query log file was hitting 4Gb in size. I deleted it, and service started with no problems.
Make sure all the folders defined in the conf file actually exist. I was missing the LOG folder and that's why I was getting the error. Once I added the folder, the problem was solved.