I'm trying to validate a javafx form using ValidationSupport, the validation is working, but when I access the form the "errors decorations" are already shown, even before the form is submitted or the textfield is focused.
ValidationSupport validationSupport = new ValidationSupport();
validationSupport.registerValidator(textField, Validator.createEmptyValidator("Text is required"));
The following image shows an example of the form in its initial state.
How can I force the decoration to show only after the user submit the form or change the TextField value?
To validate controls on demand is an issue (on-demand validation option) on ControlsFx's issue tracker which is still open so ControlsFx does NOT support it yet.
But there is a way to suppress error decorations:
ValidationSupport validationSupport = new ValidationSupport();
Later, when you actually want to validate (on submit button for example) you need to reset it to default value:
This way, fields still get validated by every change but error decorations are not shown until you actually want them to be shown.
In this example we'd like to see validation errors only if number field has the focus.
public class Sandbox extends Application {
public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {
GridPane pane = new GridPane();
pane.add(new Label("Number field:"), 0 , 0);
TextField numberField = new TextField("");
pane.add(numberField, 1, 0);
TextField textField = new TextField("");
pane.add(new Label("Text field:"), 0, 1);
pane.add(textField, 1, 1);
ValidationSupport vs = new ValidationSupport();
vs.setErrorDecorationEnabled(false); // we don't want errors to bother us for now.
vs.registerValidator(numberField, Validator.createRegexValidator("must be digits only!", "\\d*", Severity.ERROR));
// validate and show errors only if number field has the focus
primaryStage.setScene(new Scene(pane));
public static void main(String[] args) {
or if you want to see validation errors only after submit button is clicked for the first time:
Button button = new Button("Submit");
pane.add(button, 0, 2);
ValidationSupport vs = new ValidationSupport();
vs.setErrorDecorationEnabled(false); // we don't want errors to bother us for now.
vs.registerValidator(numberField, Validator.createRegexValidator("must be digits only!", "\\d*", Severity.ERROR));
button.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
vs.setErrorDecorationEnabled(true); // validate and show errors now!