When creating a AWS SNS topic:
a = conn.create_topic(topicname)
or getting the topic already created:
a = conn.get_all_topics()
the result is:
{u'CreateTopicResponse': {u'ResponseMetadata': {u'RequestId': u'42b46710-degf-52e6-7d86-2ahc8e1c738c'}, u'CreateTopicResult': {u'TopicArn': u'arn:aws:sns:eu-west-1:467741034465:exampletopic'}}}
The question is how do you get topic's ARN as string: arn:aws:sns:eu-west-1:467741034465:exampletopic
When you create a new topic, boto returns a Python dictionary with the data you describe above. To get the topic ARN as a string, simply reference that key in the dictionary like this:
a = conn.create_topic(topicname)
a_arn = a['CreateTopicResponse']['CreateTopicResult']['TopicArn']
it's kind of clunky but it works.
The list_topics
call returns a different structure, basically like this:
{u'NextToken': None,
u'Topics': [
{u'TopicArn': u'arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:467741034465:exampletopic'},
{u'TopicArn': u'arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:467741034465:footopic'}
u'ResponseMetadata': {u'RequestId': u'aef821f6-d595-55e1-af14-6d3a8064536a'}}}
In this case, if you wanted to get the ARN of the first topic you would use:
a = conn.list_topics()
a_arn = a['ListTopicsResponse']['ListTopicsResult']['Topics'][0]['TopicArn']
import boto
def get_account_id():
# suggested by https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/boto-users/QhASXlNBm40
return boto.connect_iam().get_user().arn.split(':')[4]
def topic_arn_from_name(self, region, name):
return ":".join(["arn", "aws", "sns", region, get_account_id(), name])