I am writing a script in python for handling NetCDF files, but I am facing some issues in creating variables, here is the part of the code:
stepnumber_var = ofl.createVariable("step_number", "i",("step_number",))
stepnumber_var.standard_name = "step_number"
atomNumber_var = ofl.createVariable("atom_number", "i", ("atom_number",))
atomNumber_var.standard_name = "atom__number"
But gives me this error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "sub_avg.py", line 141, in <module>
atomNumber_var = ofl.createVariable("atom_number", "i", ("atom_number",))
IOError: netcdf: NetCDF: Invalid dimension ID or name
My question is, why the first variable is created without any problem and the second doesn't work?
Here it is the full code
from array import array
import os
import sys
import math
import string as st
import numpy as N
from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile as S
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
sys.exit( "No input file found. \nPlease privide NetCDF trajectory input file" )
## Open NetCDF file ###
infl = S(sys.argv[1], 'r')
file = sys.argv[1]
title,ext = file.split(".")
#for v in infl.variables: # Lists the variables in file
# print(v)
# Variable "configurations" has the structure [step_number, atom_number, x y z] #
varShape = infl.variables['configuration'].shape # This gets the shape of the variable, i.e. the dimension in terms of elements
nSteps = varShape[0]
nAtoms = varShape[1]
coordX_atom = N.zeros((nSteps,nAtoms))
coordY_atom = N.zeros((nSteps,nAtoms))
coordZ_atom = N.zeros((nSteps,nAtoms))
sumX = [0] * nAtoms
sumY = [0] * nAtoms
sumZ = [0] * nAtoms
# 1) Calculate the average structure fron trajectory #
for i in range(0, 3):
for j in range(0, 3):
coordX_atom[i][j] = infl.variables["configuration"][i,j,0]
coordY_atom[i][j] = infl.variables["configuration"][i,j,1]
coordZ_atom[i][j] = infl.variables["configuration"][i,j,2]
sumX[j] = sumX[j] + coordX_atom[i][j]
sumY[j] = sumY[j] + coordY_atom[i][j]
sumZ[j] = sumZ[j] + coordZ_atom[i][j]
avgX = [0] * nAtoms
avgY = [0] * nAtoms
avgZ = [0] * nAtoms
for j in range(0, 3):
avgX[j] = sumX[j]/nSteps
avgY[j] = sumY[j]/nSteps
avgZ[j] = sumZ[j]/nSteps
# 2) Subtract average structure to each atom and for each frame #
for i in range(0, 3):
for j in range(0, 3):
coordX_atom[i][j] = infl.variables["configuration"][i,j,0] - avgX[j]
coordY_atom[i][j] = infl.variables["configuration"][i,j,1] - avgY[j]
coordZ_atom[i][j] = infl.variables["configuration"][i,j,2] - avgZ[j]
# 3) Write new NetCDF trajectory file #
ofl = S(title + "_subAVG.nc", "a")
# Get information of variables contained in the NetCDF input file
i = 0
for v in infl.variables:
varNames = [v for v in infl.variables]
i += 1
# Respectively get, elements names in variable, dimension of elements and lenght of the array variableNames
for v in infl.variables["box_size"].dimensions:
boxSizeNames = [v for v in infl.variables["box_size"].dimensions]
for v in infl.variables["box_size"].shape:
boxSizeShape = [v for v in infl.variables["box_size"].shape]
boxSizeLenght = boxSizeNames.__len__()
print boxSizeLenght
for v in infl.variables["step"].dimensions:
stepNames = [v for v in infl.variables["step"].dimensions]
for v in infl.variables["step"].shape:
stepShape = [v for v in infl.variables["box_size"].shape]
stepLenght = stepNames.__len__()
print stepLenght
for v in infl.variables["configuration"].dimensions:
configurationNames = [v for v in infl.variables["configuration"].dimensions]
for v in infl.variables["configuration"].shape:
configurationShape = [v for v in infl.variables["configuration"].shape]
configurationLenght = configurationNames.__len__()
print configurationLenght
for v in infl.variables["description"].dimensions:
descriptionNames = [v for v in infl.variables["description"].dimensions]
for v in infl.variables["description"].shape:
descriptionShape = [v for v in infl.variables["description"].shape]
descriptionLenght = descriptionNames.__len__()
print descriptionLenght
for v in infl.variables["time"].dimensions:
timeNames = [v for v in infl.variables["time"].dimensions]
for v in infl.variables["time"].shape:
timeShape = [v for v in infl.variables["time"].shape]
timeLenght = timeNames.__len__()
print timeLenght
#Get Box size
xBox = infl.variables["box_size"][0,0]
yBox = infl.variables["box_size"][0,1]
zBox = infl.variables["box_size"][0,2]
# Get description lenght
description_lenghtLenght = infl.variables["description"][:]
# Create Dimensions
stepnumber_var = ofl.createVariable("step_number", "i",("step_number",))
stepnumber_var.standard_name = "step_number"
atomNumber_var = ofl.createVariable("atom_number", "i", ("atom_number",))
atomNumber_var.standard_name = "atom__number"
#xyz_var = ofl.createVariable("xyz", "f",("xyz",))
#xyz_var.units = "nanometers"
#xyz_var.standard_name = "xyz"
#configuration_var = ofl.createVariable("configuration", "f", ("step_number", "atom_number", "xyz"))
#configuration_var.units = "nanometers"
#configuration_var.standard_name = "configuration"
#print configuration_var.shape
#step_var = ofl.createVariable("box_size_lenght", 3)
#configuration_var = ofl.createVariable("atom_number", nAtoms)
#description_var = ofl.createVariable("xyz", 3)
#time_var = ofl.createVariable(description_lenght, description_lenghtLenght)
#a = infl.variables["step_number"].dimensions.keys()
#print a
This may be a case of a library trying to be "helpful" (see the end of my post for details, but I can't confirm it). To fix this, you should explicitly create dimensions for atom_number and step_number, by using the following before you create the variables (assuming I am understanding nSteps and nAtoms correctly):
ofl.createDimension("step_number", nSteps) ofl.createDimension("atom_number", nAtoms)
If you are new to netCDF, I might suggest looking at either the netcdf4-python package,
of the netCDF package found in scipy:
What might be going on: it looks like the issue is that when you create the variable step_number, the library is trying to be helpful by creating a step_number dimension with unlimited length. However, you can only have one unlimited dimension in a netcdf-3 file, so the helpful "trick" does not work.
atomNumber_var.standard_name = "atom__number"
The atom__number has two "__" instead of one "_". I am not sure if this is your problem, but it may be something to look at.
I would also suggest making your netcdf file steps clearer. I like to break them down into 3 steps. I used an example of scientific data using ocean sst. You also have a section for creating dimensions, but you don't actually do it. This is more correctly create variable section.
Create Dimensions
Create Variable
Fill the variable
from netCDF4 import Dataset ncfile = Dataset('temp.nc','w') lonsdim = latdata.shape #Set dimension lengths latsdim = londata.shape ############### #Create Dimensions ############### latdim = ncfile.createDimension('latitude', latsdim) londim = ncfile.createDimension('longitude', lonsdim) ############### #Create Variables ################# The variables contain the dimensions previously set latitude = ncfile.createVariable('latitude','f8',('latitude')) longitude = ncfile.createVariable('longitude','f8',('longitude')) oceantemp = ncfile.createVariable('SST','f4' ('latitude','longitude'),fill_value=-99999.0) ############### Fill Variables ################ latitude[:] = latdata #lat data to fill in longitude[:] = londata #lon data to fill in oceantemp[:,:] = sst[:,:] #some variable previous calculated
I hope this is helpful.