I am trying to setup facebook Dynamic product ads. Facebook says they accept same feed that google accepts at their google merchant centre for google shopping.
I have uploaded google shopping feed to Facebook and it comes back with following error
"Incorrectly formatted property: shipping (1,529 products affected) Property shipping is incorrectly formatted."
Facebook's documentation says it needs shipping data in this format
US:CA:Ground:9.99 USD, US:NY:Air:15.99 USD
Here is what facebook pics from google feed.
GB::24hr Tracked Insured Signed (Excludes Saturday, Sunday, Bank Holidays):0
It seems to correct to me as per facebook documentation. Any idea what could be wrong here?
Second question is how do you set it up if you offer "Worldwide free shipping"
You can't have commas (,) inside Shipping type. Comma (,) is used to between different shipping alternatives