Observe sweetalert2 confirm with javascript in R Shiny

冷暖自知 提交于 2019-12-13 20:09:15


I have switched to sweetalert2 since the old version is more limited than the new version which is actively developped.

I am running into a problem however, the code I used to observe confirm or cancel in the old version is not working for me anymore.

In the old version I used to add a function in the 'myjava' code after

closeOnConfirm: true}


 evalFunction = function(isConfirm){
if (isConfirm === true) {
var val1= 1;
Shiny.onInputChange('option1', [val1, Math.random()]);
else  {  
var val2= 2;
Shiny.onInputChange('option2'', [val2, Math.random()]);

but that doesn't work with sweetalert2 it seems.

I tried to try and make the examples on the site work but no luck. https://sweetalert2.github.io/ They use a structure like :

.then((result) =>  {
  if (result.value === true) {

but it keeps resulting in a Warning: Error in : shinyjs: Error parsing the JavaScript file: SyntaxError: Unexpected token >.

Here is the app to test it with. You will need to change the directory and download the two files to make sweetalert2 work here: https://www.jsdelivr.com/package/npm/sweetalert2

download button is on the right of the title sweetalert2 and the 2 files needed are in the dist folder named:

sweetalert2.min.js & sweetalert2.min.css

setwd('FOLDER WHERE THE sweetalert2files are ')


myjava <- "shinyjs.swalFromButton = function(params) { 
  var defaultParams = {
    title : null,
    html : null
  params = shinyjs.getParams(params, defaultParams);
  swal({title : params.title, html : params.html, 
    showConfirmButton : true,
    confirmButtonText : 'Left',
    confirmButtonColor: '#00cc00',
    showCancelButton : true,
    cancelButtonText : 'Right',
    cancelButtonColor :  '#339fff',
    closeOnCancel : true,
    allowOutsideClick: true,
    allowEscapeKey: true,
    closeOnConfirm: true});

ui  <- fluidPage(

  actionButton(inputId = 'messagebutton', label = 'click me'),

  shinyjs::extendShinyjs(text = myjava),

server <- function(input, output, session) { 

  observeEvent(input$messagebutton, { 
    shinyjs::js$swalFromButton( title = paste('<span style ="color:#339FFF;">An alert with a choice'),
                          html = paste('Pick left or right'))


  observeEvent(input$option1, { print('confirm choosen')})
  observeEvent(input$option2, { print('cancel choosen')})


shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

UPDATE I tried endless variations of this javascript, removing the problematic > symbol as was suggested, but R keeps throwing 'error parsing the javascript code provided.

myjava <- "shinyjs.swalFromButton = function(params) { 
var defaultParams = {
title : null,
html : null
params = shinyjs.getParams(params, defaultParams);
swal({title : params.title, html : params.html, 
showConfirmButton : true,
confirmButtonText : 'Left',
confirmButtonColor: '#00cc00',
showCancelButton : true,
cancelButtonText : 'Right',
cancelButtonColor :  '#339fff',
closeOnCancel : true,
allowOutsideClick: true,
allowEscapeKey: true,
closeOnConfirm: true}).then((result){
  if (result.value === true) {


Thanks to Stéphane Laurents comments, this is the solution: Including the means to send a variable back to R shiny.

myjava <- "shinyjs.swalFromButton = function(params) { 
var defaultParams = {
title : null,
html : null
params = shinyjs.getParams(params, defaultParams);
swal({title : params.title, html : params.html, 
showConfirmButton : true,
confirmButtonText : 'Left',
confirmButtonColor: '#00cc00',
showCancelButton : true,
cancelButtonText : 'Right',
cancelButtonColor :  '#339fff',
closeOnCancel : true,
allowOutsideClick: true,
allowEscapeKey: true,
closeOnConfirm: true})
  if (result.value === true) {
 var val1= true;
  Shiny.setInputValue('option1', val1, {priority: "event"});}  
else { 
var val2= true;
          Shiny.setInputValue('option2', val2, {priority: "event"});}  

