I'm trying to help the SuperCollider community to try and understand how we can prevent Windows Defender from delaying the execution of one of the executable, on a up-to-date Windows 10.
The original github issue can be found on github.
Here is the test case :
download the latest version of SuperCollider for Windows x64 (3.10.3)
install it
reboot your computer
open "cmd" and start
cd "\Program Files\SuperCollider-3.10.3"
scsynth.exe -u 57110
You will have to wait 50 to 60 seconds for seeing scsynth output which should start with something like
Device options:
- MME : Mappeur de sons Microsoft - Input (device #0 with 2 ins 0 outs)
SuperCollider 3 server ready.
Note that if you quit
and run the command again,scsynth.exe
starts right away without delayNow put
process in Windows Defender exclusion list (see this article for info of how to access this exclusion list)Reboot
Open "cmd" and start
cd "\Program Files\SuperCollider-3.10.3"
scsynth.exe -u 57110
Now scsynth.exe
starts right away.
This behaviour started when Windows Defender block at first sight feature was added.
It raises a lot of problems for SuperCollider Windows users.
Can anybody help us to circumvet the problem ?