How do I install Encode::HanExtra for ActivePerl?

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2019-12-13 20:01:50


I want to enable Encode::HanExtra on Windows XP environment. I can't find the name HanExtra or Encode-HanExtra in PPM GUI. Is there any alias name for it?


Encode-HanExtra does exist according to this page but there is no Windows build. Some options:

  • Encode::CNMap can convert between many different Chinese encodings (gb2312, big5, utf8, gbk). ActivePerl name is Encode-CNMap.

  • There is an ActivePerl version of Encode::CN::Utility which can convert characters between Hanzi, GBK and Unicode/UTF-8. ActivePerl name is Encode-CN-Utility.

  • You could install Strawberry Perl instead of ActivePerl. This is a community distribution of Perl for Windows that uses CPAN, so any module on CPAN can be installed (except platform-dependent modules). After installing run cpan Encode::HanExtra.

  • You could build your own PPM version of Encode::HanExtra (not recommended)


Encode::HanExtra is provided by Trouchelle's PPM repository, here for example built for ActiveState Perl 5.10:


Is there some special reason that you want to use ActivePerl?

You might consider using Strawberry Perl so you can use the normal CPAN tools to install any module that you want, regardless if someone has created a package for you.

