Get ReadyState from WebBrowser control without DoEvents

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2019-11-27 05:22:26

Below is a basic WinForms app code, illustrating how to wait for the DocumentCompleted event asynchronously, using async/await. It navigates to multiple pages, one after another. Everything is taking place on the main UI thread.

Instead of calling this.webBrowser.Navigate(url), it might be simulating a form button click, to trigger a POST-style navigation.

The webBrowser.IsBusy async loop logic is optional, its purpose is to account (non-deterministically) for the page's dynamic AJAX code which may take place after window.onload event.

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace WebBrowserApp
    public partial class MainForm : Form
        WebBrowser webBrowser;

        public MainForm()

            // create a WebBrowser
            this.webBrowser = new WebBrowser();
            this.webBrowser.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;

            this.Load += MainForm_Load;

        // Form Load event handler
        async void MainForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // cancel the whole operation in 30 sec
            var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(30000);

            var urls = new String[] { 
                    "" };

            await NavigateInLoopAsync(urls, cts.Token);

        // navigate to each URL in a loop
        async Task NavigateInLoopAsync(string[] urls, CancellationToken ct)
            foreach (var url in urls)
                var html = await NavigateAsync(ct, () => 
                Debug.Print("url: {0}, html: \n{1}", url, html);

        // asynchronous navigation
        async Task<string> NavigateAsync(CancellationToken ct, Action startNavigation)
            var onloadTcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
            EventHandler onloadEventHandler = null;

            WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler documentCompletedHandler = delegate
                // DocumentCompleted may be called several time for the same page,
                // if the page has frames
                if (onloadEventHandler != null)

                // so, observe DOM onload event to make sure the document is fully loaded
                onloadEventHandler = (s, e) =>
                this.webBrowser.Document.Window.AttachEventHandler("onload", onloadEventHandler);

            this.webBrowser.DocumentCompleted += documentCompletedHandler;
                using (ct.Register(() => onloadTcs.TrySetCanceled(), useSynchronizationContext: true))
                    // wait for DOM onload event, throw if cancelled
                    await onloadTcs.Task;
                this.webBrowser.DocumentCompleted -= documentCompletedHandler;
                if (onloadEventHandler != null)
                    this.webBrowser.Document.Window.DetachEventHandler("onload", onloadEventHandler);

            // the page has fully loaded by now

            // optional: let the page run its dynamic AJAX code,
            // we might add another timeout for this loop
            do { await Task.Delay(500, ct); }
            while (this.webBrowser.IsBusy);

            // return the page's HTML content
            return this.webBrowser.Document.GetElementsByTagName("html")[0].OuterHtml;

If you're looking to do something similar from a console app, here is an example of that.

The solution is simple:

    // MAKE SURE ReadyState = Complete
            while (WebBrowser1.ReadyState.ToString() != "Complete") {

// Move on to your sub-sequence code...

Dirty and quick.. I am a VBA guys, this logic has been working forever, just took me days and found none for C# but I just figured this out myself.

Following is my complete function, the objective is to obtain a segment of info from a webpage:

private int maxReloadAttempt = 3;
    private int currentAttempt = 1;

    private string GetCarrier(string webAddress)
        WebBrowser WebBrowser_4MobileCarrier = new WebBrowser();
        string innerHtml;
        string strStartSearchFor = "subtitle block pull-left\">";
        string strEndSearchFor = "<";

            WebBrowser_4MobileCarrier.ScriptErrorsSuppressed = true;

            // MAKE SURE ReadyState = Complete
            while (WebBrowser_4MobileCarrier.ReadyState.ToString() != "Complete") {

            // LOAD HTML
            innerHtml = WebBrowser_4MobileCarrier.Document.Body.InnerHtml;  

            while (currentAttempt <=  maxReloadAttempt) {
                if (innerHtml.IndexOf(strStartSearchFor) >= 0)
                    currentAttempt = 1; // Reset attempt counter
                    return Sub_String(innerHtml, strStartSearchFor, strEndSearchFor, "0"); // Method: "Sub_String" is my custom function
                    currentAttempt += 1;    // Increment attempt counter
                    GetCarrier(webAddress); // Recursive method call
                } // End if
            } // End while
        }   // End Try

        catch //(Exception ex)
        return "Unavailable";

Here is a "quick & dirty" solution. It's not 100% foolproof but it doesn't block UI thread and it should be satisfactory to prototype WebBrowser control Automation procedures:

    private async void testButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        await Task.Factory.StartNew(
            () =>
                stepTheWeb(() => wb.Navigate(""));
                stepTheWeb(() => wb.Navigate(""));
                stepTheWeb(() => wb.Navigate(""));
                stepTheWeb(() => wb.Document.InvokeScript("eval", new[] { "$('p').css('background-color','yellow')" }));
                bool testFlag = false;
                stepTheWeb(() => testFlag = wb.DocumentText.Contains("Get Started"));
                if (testFlag) {    /* TODO */ }
                // ... 

    private void stepTheWeb(Action task)
        this.Invoke(new Action(task));

        WebBrowserReadyState rs = WebBrowserReadyState.Interactive;
        while (rs != WebBrowserReadyState.Complete)
            this.Invoke(new Action(() => rs = wb.ReadyState));

Here is a bit more generic version of testButton_Click method:

    private async void testButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        var actions = new List<Action>()
                () => wb.Navigate(""),
                () => wb.Navigate(""),
                () => wb.Navigate(""),
                () => wb.Document.InvokeScript("eval", new[] { "$('p').css('background-color','yellow')" }),
                () => {
                         bool testFlag = false;
                         testFlag  = wb.DocumentText.Contains("Get Started"); 
                         if (testFlag)  {   /*  TODO */  }

        await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => actions.ForEach((x)=> stepTheWeb (x)));  


I have adapted my "quick & dirty" sample by borrowing and sligthly refactoring @Noseratio's NavigateAsync method from this topic. New code version would automate/execute asynchronously in UI thread context not only navigation operations but also Javascript/AJAX calls - any "lamdas"/one automation step task implementation methods.

All and every code reviews/comments are very welcome. Especially, from @Noseratio. Together, we will make this world better ;)

    public enum ActionTypeEnumeration
        Navigation = 1,
        Javascript = 2,
        UIThreadDependent = 3,
        UNDEFINED = 99

    public class ActionDescriptor
        public Action Action { get; set; }
        public ActionTypeEnumeration ActionType { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Executes a set of WebBrowser control's Automation actions
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    ///  Test form shoudl ahve the following controls:
    ///    webBrowser1 - WebBrowser,
    ///    testbutton - Button,
    ///    testCheckBox - CheckBox,
    ///    totalHtmlLengthTextBox - TextBox
    /// </remarks> 
    private async void testButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(60000);

            var actions = new List<ActionDescriptor>()
                new ActionDescriptor() { Action = ()=>  wb.Navigate(""), ActionType = ActionTypeEnumeration.Navigation}  ,
                new ActionDescriptor() { Action = () => wb.Navigate(""), ActionType = ActionTypeEnumeration.Navigation}  ,
                new ActionDescriptor() { Action = () => wb.Navigate(""), ActionType = ActionTypeEnumeration.Navigation}  ,
                new ActionDescriptor() { Action = () => wb.Document.InvokeScript("eval", new[] { "$('p').css('background-color','yellow')" }), ActionType = ActionTypeEnumeration.Javascript}, 
                new ActionDescriptor() { Action =
                () => {
                         testCheckBox.Checked = wb.DocumentText.Contains("Get Started"); 
                       ActionType = ActionTypeEnumeration.UIThreadDependent} 

            foreach (var action in actions)
               string html = await ExecuteWebBrowserAutomationAction(cts.Token, action.Action, action.ActionType);
               // count HTML web page stats - just for fun
               int totalLength = 0;
               Int32.TryParse(totalHtmlLengthTextBox.Text, out totalLength);
               totalLength += !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(html) ? html.Length : 0;
               totalHtmlLengthTextBox.Text = totalLength.ToString();   
        catch (Exception ex)
            MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error");   

    // asynchronous WebBroswer control Automation
    async Task<string> ExecuteWebBrowserAutomationAction(
                            CancellationToken ct, 
                            Action runWebBrowserAutomationAction, 
                            ActionTypeEnumeration actionType = ActionTypeEnumeration.UNDEFINED)
        var onloadTcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
        EventHandler onloadEventHandler = null;

        WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler documentCompletedHandler = delegate
            // DocumentCompleted may be called several times for the same page,
            // if the page has frames
            if (onloadEventHandler != null)

            // so, observe DOM onload event to make sure the document is fully loaded
            onloadEventHandler = (s, e) =>
            this.wb.Document.Window.AttachEventHandler("onload", onloadEventHandler);

        this.wb.DocumentCompleted += documentCompletedHandler;
            using (ct.Register(() => onloadTcs.TrySetCanceled(), useSynchronizationContext: true))

                if (actionType == ActionTypeEnumeration.Navigation)
                    // wait for DOM onload event, throw if cancelled
                    await onloadTcs.Task;
            this.wb.DocumentCompleted -= documentCompletedHandler;
            if (onloadEventHandler != null)
                this.wb.Document.Window.DetachEventHandler("onload", onloadEventHandler);

        // the page has fully loaded by now

        // optional: let the page run its dynamic AJAX code,
        // we might add another timeout for this loop
        do { await Task.Delay(500, ct); }
        while (this.wb.IsBusy);

        // return the page's HTML content
        return this.wb.Document.GetElementsByTagName("html")[0].OuterHtml;