In the same way that you can generate specific content based on browser type is there a way to generate specific content based on the server running PHP without reference to the server or site name?
For example, a way for PHP to automatically detect the environment it was in and configure things like DB connections, ini_set for errors etc. depending if it was a development, ITS, UAT or production environment.
The 2 ways I thought of were to recognise an HTTP header indicating development and QA environments or to have custom properties in php.ini.
I have woken up slightly and found out the php function to read the http headers but php overrides anything I set in the web server and I do not know if they can be set in php.ini at all.
I have no idea if it is possible to add custom values to php.ini but I had a test and ini_get would not find it (I had restarted the web server after changing php.ini of course).
you can specify an environment variable in apache (conf, vhost, .htaccess or as an httpd daem) and then acces it via the ˆ$_ENVˆsuperglobal
I use the following to load different settings for different servers:
switch ($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) {
case 'web-host': case '':
# Set DB Settings
case 'mydomain.com': default:
# Live server settings
Not had a problem with it so far
$_ENV / http://www.php.net/manual/en/reserved.variables.environment.php
Using FastCGI on IIS you can set Environment variables. They do not seem to be available to $_ENV but can be retrieved with getenv("varname").
To configure FastCGI environment variables in IIS 5 or 6 you need to edit: C:\%systemdrive%\system32\inetsrv\fcgiext.ini
For example:
php:1=PHP Site 1
*=Wildcard Mapping
[PHP Site 1]
In this instance it is IIS 5 so there is only one site and the site ID is 1 as indicated in line 2 of [Types].
On IIS 6 you may have multiple sites and the following link tells you how to find the Site ID: http://weblogs.asp.net/owscott/archive/2005/07/29/how-to-find-the-siteid-in-iis5-and-iis6.aspx.
IIS 7 can be configured via the UI apparently once the Administration Pack for IIS 7 has been installed.
Another alternative that hasn't been mentioned yet would be to create a server-specific (but with the same name) configuration file that would be included in the beginning of your site script. In that server-specific config file you could set configuration variables as constants. That way, if there was a 'generic' configuration file loaded later, its values could be overridden in the server-specific configuration file as constants can't be redefined. You would want to either exclude the server-specific configuration file name from the synchronizations, or keep it in a path outside of the main content so that it is not accidentally overwritten.
For this purpose you can even configure Constant Arrays with help of Constant Array 2 class.
When server-specific configuration files are used you don't have to worry about the current SERVER_NAME -- this makes it easier for you to define the intended environment regardless of the current system name which could be handy also for QA purposes.