I'm trying to get offline.js working together with toastr alerts.
My limited JS knowledge is holding me back but hoping some can shed some light on this.
What I want to happen When the connection goes from down to up, I want to display a "re-connected successfully" message in a toast alert.
The Problem I don't understand how to check for that status in offline.js. The docs mention that it's possible using this:
Offline.on(event, handler, context) : Bind an event. Events:
up: The connection has gone from down to up
down: The connection has gone from up to down
the up event does what i want but i can't figure out how to put it in to practice...
Below is really just some psuedocode explaining what i'd like to happen:
function checkifbackonline(){
var backonlinemessage = "re-connected successfully";
var checkstate = Offline.on(event, handler, context);
if (checkstate = true) {
window.setInterval(checkifbackonline, 3000);
Can anyone put me on the right path?
you have not attached up event as per the documentation.
function checkifbackonline(evt){
var backonlinemessage = "re-connected successfully";
Offline.on("up", checkifbackonline);
when up is triggerd it will call checkifbackonline function. If you want to remove the event binding then call Offline.off("up");