I am trying to read value from XML file from FAKE , But I am getting an error i.e.
.fsx(9,16) : eror FS000: Incomplete structurd construct at or before this
point in expression. Expected '->' or other token.
Below is my code , I am using XMLHelper.XMLRead
to read values from xml file .
#r "./packages/FAKE/tools/FakeLib.dll"
open Fake
open Fake.XMLHelper
Target "BuildMain" (fun _ ->
for s in XMLHelper.XMLRead true "D:/test/Version.Config" "/version/major/minor"
trace s)
RunTargetOrDefault "BuildMain"
Below is my XML File :
<major number="2">
Here I am trying to read value from minor version , and moreover can I store this value in a variable so that I can use this later ??
The for ... in
construct requires either do
or an arrow ->
before the body:
for s in XMLHelper.XMLRead true "D:/test/Version.Config" "/version/major/minor" do
trace s
You use do
if the body is another loop or just side-effecting code, as in:
for x in 1..5 do
printfn "%d" x
You use arrow ->
to have the body produce a value, which then becomes part of the resulting list or sequence, as in:
let evenNumbers2to10 = [for x in 1..5 -> x*2]
The arrow ->
can be viewed as a shortcut for do yield
let evenNumbers2to10 = [for x in 1..5 do yield x*2]