When processing a Json
string with XMLGregorianCalender
using Gson
I get the exception:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to invoke public javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar() with no args
The object which is de-serialized by fromJson(..)
with Gson
has a XMLGregorianCalender
What can be the possible solution for the above error?
Abstract class javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar
can not be a instantiated by its default/no-args constructor which makes GSON
to fail.
If you resolve the class that extends above mentioned and that class has a public no-args constructor you can de-serialize that directly. For example, in my case:
XMLGregorianCalendar xmlGC = gson.fromJson(strXMLGC,
A generic way to get it working everywhere - without caring the implementing class - is to define a custom JsonDeserializer
. To make de-serialing easy you could first create an adapter class that holds the data that XMLGregorianCalendar
public class XMLGregoriancalendarAdapterClass {
private BigInteger year;
private int month, day, timezone, hour, minute, second;
private BigDecimal fractionalSecond;
Data types of each field in above class are chosen to match one specific method for constructing XMLGregorianCalendar
with javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeFactory
Having above adapter class create a de-serialiazer like:
public class XMLGregorianCalendarDeserializer
implements JsonDeserializer<XMLGregorianCalendar> {
public XMLGregorianCalendar deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT,
JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException {
// Easily parse the adapter class first
XMLGregoriancalendarAdapterClass ac =
new Gson().fromJson(json,
try {
// Then return a new newXMLGregorianCalendar
// using values in adapter class
return DatatypeFactory.newInstance()
.newXMLGregorianCalendar(ac.getYear(), ac.getMonth(),
ac.getDay(), ac.getHour(),
ac.getMinute(), ac.getSecond(),
ac.getFractionalSecond(), ac.getTimezone());
} catch (DatatypeConfigurationException e) {
return null;
Using above you can construct GSON
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting()
new XMLGregorianCalendarDeserializer() )
after which it is just:
XMLGregorianCalendar xmlGC2 =
gson.fromJson(json, YourClassHavingXMLGregorianCalendar.class);