I'm using the vTiger web services to retreive an array of VtigerObjects containing my contacts using a query. I am following the instructions given here:
So far I'm getting a challenge token which I can use to login, so that's working.. But from the moment i'm trying to get data with a query I get the following error:
"Permission to perform the operation is denied for query"
I'm the administrator, so I should have all the permissions, right? Here's my code, I hope someone can help me?
$username = 'xxxxxxxxxx';
$userAccessKey = 'xXxXxXxXxXxXxX';
//Create HTTP Client and set url and parameters
$client = new Zend_Http_Client();
'operation' => 'getchallenge',
'username' => $username
// Get Response (and decode)
$response = $client->request('GET');
$jsonResponse = Zend_Json::decode($response->getBody());
// Check if operation was successful
if ($jsonResponse['success'] == false)
die('getchallenge failed:'.$jsonResponse['error']['errorMsg']);
// Get token from response
$challengeToken = $jsonResponse['result']['token'];
//create md5 string concatenating user accesskey from my preference page
//and the challenge token obtained from get challenge result.
$generatedKey = md5($challengeToken.$userAccessKey);
//Create HTTP Client and set url and parameters
'operation' => 'login',
'username' => $username,
'accessKey' => $generatedKey
), true);
// Get Response (and decode)
$response = $client->request('POST');
$jsonResponse = Zend_JSON::decode($response->getBody());
// Check if operation was successful
die('login failed:'.$jsonResponse['error']['errorMsg']);
$session = $jsonResponse['result']['sessionName'];
// Query to select contacts
$query = "select * from contacts";
// Urlencode the query
$encodedQuery = urlencode($query);
//Create HTTP Client and set url and parameters
'operation' => 'query',
'sessionName' => $session,
'query' => $encodedQuery
// Get Response (and decode)
$response = $client->request('GET');
$jsonResponse = Zend_JSON::decode($response->getBody());
// Check if operation was successful
die('query failed:'.$jsonResponse['errorMsg']);
// Return contacts
$retrievedObjects = $jsonResponse['result'];
Don't encode your query, just do this:
// Query to select contacts
$query = "select * from Contacts";
//Create HTTP Client and set url and parameters
'operation' => 'query',
'sessionName' => $session,
'query' => $query
I guess the official documentation for vTiger Web Services is wrong..
my this code is working fine use this
function call($url, $params, $type = "GET") {
$is_post = 0;
if ($type == "POST") {
$is_post = 1;
$post_data = $params;
} else {
$url = $url . "?" . http_build_query($params);
$ch = curl_init($url);
if (!$ch) {
die("Cannot allocate a new PHP-CURL handle");
if ($is_post) {
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, $is_post);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($params));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$data = curl_exec($ch);
$return = null;
if (curl_error($ch)) {
$return = false;
} else {
$return = json_decode($data, true);
return $return;
$endpointUrl = 'http://url/vtigercrm/webservice.php';
$userName = 'admin';
$userAccessKey = 'dsddsdsdsds';
$sessionData = call($endpointUrl, array("operation" => "getchallenge", "username" => $userName));
$challengeToken = $sessionData['result']['token'];
$generatedKey = md5($challengeToken . $userAccessKey);
$dataDetails = call($endpointUrl, array("operation" => "login", "username" => $userName, "accessKey" => $generatedKey), "POST");
$query = "SELECT * FROM Contacts WHERE cf_771='ajay' and cf_781='ajay';";
$queryParam = urldecode($query);
$sessionid = $dataDetails['result']['sessionName'];
$getUserDetail = call($endpointUrl, array("operation" => "query", "sessionName" => $sessionid, 'query' => $query));
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
if (!empty($getUserDetail['result'])) {
echo "success!!!!";
} else {
echo "fail!!!!";
Having struggled with this using httpful I eventually realised that in that case you do need to encode the query, thus:
// vTiger: GET Query
// http://vtiger_url/webservice.php?operation=query&sessionName=[session id]&query=[query string]
$query = urlencode("SELECT * FROM Leads;");
$uri = $vTiger_uri . "?operation=query&sessionName=" . $sessionName . "&query=" . $query;
$response_j = \Httpful\Request::get($uri)->send();
$response = json_decode($response_j, true);
echo "<p>Query: " . $query . "</p>";
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";