How to reuse vector images in wpf properly

寵の児 提交于 2019-12-13 14:24:53


X problem:

I want to use vector graphic in WPF.

I have bunch of SVG files, which I can convert into XAML by using Inkscape. Resulting xaml is ResourceDictionary with ViewBox / Canvas containing Path, etc. Dictionaries are merged into App.xaml and I can use key to access them.

Question: how to use such images? It looks like I am not using them properly.

Here is how I am using them

<Viewbox Child="{StaticResource MyImageResourceKey}" Width="100" Height="100"/>

But it looks like I can use it only once (in one place)! Attempting to use that image in multiple places simultaneously will either remove it from previous place or will throw

System.ArgumentException: Must disconnect specified child from current parent Visual before attaching to new parent Visual.

Y problem

I want to show a list of vector images. I display them like this

<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Images}">
            <Viewbox Width="100" Height="100">
                <ContentPresenter Content="{Binding Image}"/>


public class ViewModelSomeWindow : INotifyPropertyChanged
    public class MyImage
        public object Image { get; set; }

    private ObservableCollection<MyImage> _images;
    public ObservableCollection<MyImage> Images
        get { return _images; }
        set { _images = value; OnPropertyChanged(); }

And items are added like this

Images.Add(new MyImage() { Image = App.Current.Resources["MyImageResourceKey"] });

Problem: when using same image ("MyImageResourceKey") for second item, then first item displays (blank) image. If image is already displayed with the use of StaticResource somewhere, then adding item will throw above ArgumentException.

P.S.: I need to solve Y problem, but perhaps I am not using vector graphic properly.


Please Use x:shared =false in path as shown in attached image

and visit this link too for reference

