I try to use maven-shade-plugin
for a modular jar:
But Maven will remove my module-info.class
from the shaded jar, with a warning:
[WARNING] Discovered module-info.class. Shading will break its strong encapsulation.
How can I configure it to leave it?
EDIT: the warning actually happens when it removes the shaded jar's module descriptor, not my own.
Because of module-info's in the JPMS world dictate the exposure of a module, shading items in may cause that nasty "Package is read from two different modules" error.
I've solved it the following way
- Shading in, filtering out module-info across all modules
- Then adding in the module-info (which may or may not be valid, THANK YOU MODITECT, you have no idea how useful that is)
This is a really annoying thing, and from everything I've read they have no intention of removing it or adding a flag to bypass it.