I have connected to my remote server via FTP and i put some zip file using following code.
channelSftp.cd(SFTPWORKINGDIR + "/" + remoteDestinationDir);
File file = new File(localSourceToFile);
LOG.info("Transferring file: " + localSourceToFile + " to "+ SFTPWORKINGDIR + "/" + remoteDestinationDir);
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);
channelSftp.put(fis, file.getName());
LOG.info("Transfer successful");
Now, I want to unzip file on server
It seems that ChannelSftp doesn't support executing commands on the server side. It mainly deals with the transfer of files. You can use ChannelExec https://epaul.github.io/jsch-documentation/simple.javadoc/com/jcraft/jsch/ChannelExec.html to execute unzip /path/to/uploaded/file.zip.
Alternatively, you could have a job running on the server side which watches the directory you upload files to and upzip any uploaded zip-files automatically.