PFA 6 PFA 2 PFA 3 PFA PFA 4 PFA 5 I have some triggered jobs running in Azure. I have created scheduler jobs for those jobs in Azure so that whenever I disable it will stop running the triggered jobs instead of killing. But I want to disable those scheduler jobs from VSTS using plugin or Powershell script. I can stop and start Continuous webjobs using Powershell scripts but triggered jobs/scheduler jobs I am not sure how to disable using Powershell/Plugins/Tasks from VSTS definitions.
You can add an Azure Powershell Script Task and add the script below to Enable/Disable the scheduler jobs:
Set the Job to "Disabled":
Set-AzureRmSchedulerHttpJob -ResourceGroupName ABC -JobCollectionName ABC -JobName ABC -JobState Disabled
Set the Job to "Enabled":
Set-AzureRmSchedulerHttpJob -ResourceGroupName ABC -JobCollectionName ABC -JobName ABC -JobState Enabled
If you want to enable/disable the JobCollection, you can use Enable-AzureRmSchedulerJobCollection
and Disable-AzureRmSchedulerJobCollection
Enable-AzureRmSchedulerJobCollection -ResourceGroupName ABC -JobCollectionName ABC
Use the script below:
$JobC = Get-AzureRmSchedulerJobCollection -ResourceGroupName jobcollection -JobCollectionName jobcollection
If ($JobC.State -eq "Enabled")
Write-Host "JobCollection is enabled, disabling it..."
Disable-AzureRmSchedulerJobCollection -ResourceGroupName jobcollection -JobCollectionName jobcollection
Write-Host "JobCollection is disabled now."
Write-Host "JobCollection has already been disabled."
I am afraid you can’t disable scheduler jobs, you may full stopping a web app.