I'm a newbie of Objective-C language and I'm trying to understand the basic concepts. I came from Java language so I have already know the principle of OOP programming. Here it is the code I wrote. It's very simple but it doesn't work properly. I have some issues using @property
and @synthesize
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface Car: NSObject
@property(nonatomic,retain) NSString *brand;
@property int year;
@end //Car Interface
#import "Car.h"
@implementation Car
@synthesize brand;
@synthesize year;
@end //Car Implementation
#import "Car.h"
int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
int y;
//Creo un nuovo oggetto
Car *myCar = [[Car alloc] init];
//Setto i parametri
[myCar setbrand: @"BMW Z4"];
NSLog (@"Inserisci data modello: ");
scanf (" %i", &y); //E' buona norma lasciare uno spazio
[myCar setyear: y];
//Stampo a video i dati
NSLog(@"Marca: %@ Anno: %i", [myCar setbrand], [myCar setyear]);
I don't know where it's the error. I'm pretty sure there is some mistakes in main function. is it correct call that methods in that way?
The setters must be capitalized properly.
[myCar setBrand:@"BMW Z4"];
[myCar setYear:2010];
The getters default to the property name.
NSString *carBrand = [myCar brand];
int carYear = [myCar year];