I'm not able to retrieve file contents using Groovy.
Below is the code, error in Soapui
portnumber = ":8080"
extractedValues = new File("//hostname"+"${portnumber}"+"/share/test/working/test.csv").getText('UTF-8')
java.io.FileNotFoundException: \\hostname:8080\share\test\working\test.csv (The network path was not found) error at line: 54
I feel like the issue is with the port number, thus why I'm passing it in a variable.
The link itself works when logged on the server and trying it from file explorer.
Looks like you are reading a file hosted in a tomcat i.e., an URL.
Here is how you would get the contents of it:
def host = 'localhost'
def port = '8080'
def extractedValues = new URL("http://${host}:${port}/share/test/working/test.csv").getText('UTF-8')
log.info extractedValues