I am trying to implement the Payfort payment gateway with rails app. But i am getting following response message:
"response_message":"Signature mismatch"
Following is my try:
params = {command: "AUTHORIZATION",
currency: "USD",
access_code: "z7TfXF2xxxxxxxxxxxx",
merchant_identifier: "xoNbjDoq",
merchant_reference: "405",
language: "en",
amount: 250,
token_name: "token_is_here",
expiry_date: "07/2023",
card_number: "5200421234563432",
card_security_code: "417",
card_holder_name: "Abc Xyz",
remember_me: "YES",
return_url: "http://lvh.me:3000/payments/test"}
params = params.except(:card_security_code, :card_number, :expiry_date, :card_holder_name, :remember_me)
params = params.sort.to_h
string = params.to_query(nil)
string = string.gsub! '&', ''
string = @@sha_request + string + @@sha_request
string = Digest::SHA256.hexdigest string
uri = URI.parse("https://sbpaymentservices.payfort.com/FortAPI/paymentApi")
header = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port)
http.use_ssl = true
request = Net::HTTP::Post.new(uri.request_uri, header)
request.body = params.to_json
response = http.request(request)
Check sequence of parameters while generating signature. and check for algorithm which u have setup in account and use same algorithm while generating signature
Or else try using their gem
there may be many reasons for such issue one of them is rails form params and also hashing algorithm, here's my implementation for it
def sign_with_key(params, key)
string_to_digest = params.sort { |a, b| a[0].upcase <=> b[0].upcase }.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join()
string_to_digest << key