I have:
import numpy as np
a = np.array([[ 4, 99, 2],
[ 3, 4, 99],
[ 1, 8, 7],
[ 8, 6, 8]])
Why is
a[[True, True, False, False], [1,2]]
Equal to
array([99, 99])
And not
array([99, 2],
[4, 99])
Since I am selecting the first two rows using a boolean mask and the 2nd and 3rd columns using fancy indexing? Especially since calling
a[[True, True, False, False],:][:, [1,2]]
gives me my expected result. Im guessing its some sort of broadcasting rule but it isn't apparent to me. Thanks!
A boolean array or list evaluates as though where
had converted it to an index array:
In [285]: a[[True,True,False,False],[1,2]]
Out[285]: array([99, 99])
In [286]: a[np.where([True,True,False,False]),[1,2]]
Out[286]: array([[99, 99]])
In [287]: np.where([True,True,False,False])
Out[287]: (array([0, 1], dtype=int32),)
In [288]: a[[0,1], [1,2]]
Out[288]: array([99, 99])
So this is picking a[0,1]
and a[1,2]
, a 'pair-wise' selection.
The block is indexed with arrays (or list equivalents) that broadcast against each other to produce a (2,2) array:
In [289]: a[np.ix_([0,1], [1,2])]
array([[99, 2],
[ 4, 99]])
In [290]: a[[[0],[1]], [1,2]]
array([[99, 2],
[ 4, 99]])
This case is equivalent to a 2 stage indexing: a[[0,1],:][:,[1,2]]
I'm using np version 12. There have been some changes in boolean index over the recent releases. For example, if the length of the boolean isn't right, it runs, but gives a warning (this part is new).
In [349]: a[[True,True,False],[1,2]]
/usr/local/bin/ipython3:1: VisibleDeprecationWarning: boolean index did not match indexed array along dimension 0; dimension is 4 but corresponding boolean dimension is 3
Out[349]: array([99, 99])
Changes for v 13 are described in:
I think it works like the following:
In [284]: a
array([[ 4, 99, 2],
[ 3, 4, 99],
[ 1, 8, 7],
[ 8, 6, 8]])
In [286]: bo
Out[286]: array([ True, True, False, False], dtype=bool)
In [287]: boc
Out[287]: array([1, 2])
Now, once we index a
with the boolean mask bo
, we get:
In [285]: a[bo]
array([[ 4, 99, 2],
[ 3, 4, 99]])
Since, bo
evaluates to [1, 1, 0, 0]
, this will just select first two rows of a
Now, we apply boc
i.e. [1, 2]
in combination with the row selecting mask bo
In [288]: a[bo, boc]
Out[288]: array([99, 99])
Here, the mask boc
is applied to the already fetched rows. And it selects second element from first row, third element from second row yielding [99, 99]
But, interestingly if you do something like:
In [289]: a[1, [1, 2]]
Out[289]: array([ 4, 99])
In this case, numpy broadcasts yielding the indices [(1,1), (1,2)]