I am developing an application which will scrape data from websites. The details like page_url, site_url, last_modified will be stored in the database and page_content will be stored in the file. Later on I want to search the content of the file. I am trying to Thinkingsphinx to achieve this. Does any body have an idea how to implement it ?
I don't believe Sphinx / ThinkingSphinx is right for you as they are intended to talk to databases.
Take a look at this thread: http://groups.google.com/group/thinking-sphinx/browse_thread/thread/69cdc1c8e1c096ff/aa4ae8e21c42e67c?lnk=gst&q=files#aa4ae8e21c42e67c
Could you switch to Solr Full Text search instead? I hear it can even index binary files like PDF or word
http://lucene.apache.org/solr/tutorial.html[enter link description here][1]