Getting the Server Name from the session

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2019-12-13 05:01:57


In a managed bean that resides in a Database on the server Development I have this code:

s = ExtLibUtil.getCurrentSession();
theMap.put("Server Name", s.getServerName());

when I look at theMap after this has run I see Server Name and the value is blank. After this I get a datbase RepID and then try to open the database by RepID with

appDB = s.getDbDirectory(null).openDatabaseByReplicaID(repID);
                if (appDB.isOpen()){
                    theMap.put(thisKey, repID); 
                    theMap.put("DB " + thisKey, "Is Not Open");

if I have a rep copy of the database locally it opens it, if I remove the local Replica the open fails. If I change the line to:

appDB = s.getDbDirectory("Development").openDatabaseByReplicaID(repID);

the proper appDB opens. So it looks like the session thinks it is running locally because it return null for the server name. This is really strange, am I missing something? For the moment i have just hard coded the server name in the getDbDirectory but that wont work in the real world.


Is this XPiNC? That would consider the database to be running locally unless you've set the application property "Run server-based XPages on server"


String serverName = s.getEnvironmentString("ServerName", true);
String serverName = s.getEnvironmentString("ServerKeyFileName_Owner", true);

