I'd like to remove the last character off a large file. The restrictions are that:
- the file has to be modified in-situ, without using the disk space required for a similar second file
- it's a windows machine
- I cannot copy any compiled code onto the machine so I cannot create a small c# program of c++ program to manipulate the file
- this also means any non-native scripting is not available, like python.
As far as I know, this limits me to bat, VB (or JScript) but it does not look like there is a viable option in these. VB requires a TextStream to be created from a systemfile object, but then this stream I believe must be saved elsewhere, using diskspace.
Is there a way to do this simply?
Following the idea from Noodles (of course you need to have some .net framework version installed), you can try this
(save as trim.cmd
and call as trim.cmd "fileToTrim.dat"
@if (@this==@isBatch) @then
@echo off
setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion
rem check arguments
set "fileToTrim=%~1"
if not exist "%fileToTrim%" goto :eof
rem search for a valid framework version
set "frameworks=%SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework"
set "jsc="
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%a in (
'dir /b /a:d /o:-n "%frameworks%\v*"'
) do if not defined jsc if exist "%frameworks%\%%a\jsc.exe" set "jsc=%frameworks%\%%a\jsc.exe"
if not defined jsc goto :eof
set "executable=%~dpn0.%random%.exe"
%jsc% /nologo /out:"%executable%" "%~f0"
if exist "%executable%" (
"%executable%" "%fileToTrim%"
del "%executable%" >nul 2>nul
exit /b 0
import System;
import System.IO;
var arguments:String[] = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();
if (arguments.length > 1) {
var fi:FileInfo = new FileInfo(arguments[1]);
var fs:FileStream = fi.Open(FileMode.Open);
fs.SetLength (
Math.max(0, fi.Length - 1)
This is far from efficient, the jscript code is compiled each time. Better directly write the program, compile and use. But just as an example ...