I Want to integrate Salesforce and JIRA by Using Mule. Both are Connecting Properly by using Hard Code. But i want when i am trigger the object in salesforce that time mule accept receive the data of object in salesforce. In Mule Not Listen my salesforce object data. What i do. if the Ip Address is "Localhost" is enough.or must need any realtime URL.The Following code used for recive the account details when i run the local url. instead of i want when i trigger the salesforce i recive the data. Code :
<sfdc:config name="Salesforce" username="xxxxxxxx@gmail.com" password="xxxxxxxxxxxxx" securityToken="xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" doc:name="Salesforce">
<sfdc:connection-pooling-profile initialisationPolicy="INITIALISE_ONE" exhaustedAction="WHEN_EXHAUSTED_GROW"/>
<flow name="test_projectFlow1" doc:name="test_projectFlow1">
<http:inbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="request-response" host="localhost" port="8081" doc:name="HTTP"/>
<sfdc:query config-ref="Salesforce" query="select Account from Account" doc:name="Salesforce"/>
<echo-component doc:name="Echo"/>
Use the streaming API to have Mule get notified of changes on Salesforce's side.
See: http://mulesoft.github.io/salesforce-connector/mule/sfdc-config.html#subscribe-topic