Serial Testbenching and assertions with System-Verilog
问题 I have a serial output of a verilog module I'd like to testbench using system-verilog. The output, called 'SO' will output something like 8'hC6 given the correct serial input 'SI' with a value of say 8'h9A. Is there an easy way to encode / decode serial IOs without having to explicitly describe each signal? For example: assert property @(posedge clk) $rose(EN) |-> ##[1:3] SI ##1 !SI[*2] ##1 SI[*2] ##1 !SI ##1 SI ##1 !SI ##[1:3] SO[*2] ##1 !SO[*3] ##1 SO[*2] ##1 !SO; It looks like a jumbled