I have been trying to add Azure application insights to a few projects. The whole experience was seamless with a .net core app. However, when I tried to update the Cloud role name property, that is where I could not find a lot for an OWIN based app. I want the name of the bubble in Insights Application Map to appear what I set in this property (My API for example) but it keeps resorting to the resource name that I have for this resource in Azure (my-azure-api). After scouring through most online resources, I was able to do the following which does not work.
using Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Channel;
using Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Extensibility;
namespace MyApp.Insights
public class RoleNameInitializer : ITelemetryInitializer
public void Initialize(ITelemetry telemetry)
// set role name correctly here.
telemetry.Context.Cloud.RoleName = "My API";
Also added the following in the applicationinsights.config
<Add Type="MyApp.Insights.RoleNameInitializer, MyApp"/>
Added the following to the startup class too (Just as a precaution)
using IntegratedTeleHealthPlatformApi.Insights;
using Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Extensibility;
using Owin;
namespace MyApp
public partial class Startup
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
.Add(new RoleNameInitializer());
I just setup a simple owin based asp.net project(asp.net web application, then in nuget install Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb
After the setup, in visual studio -> Project -> Add Application Insights Telemetry:
My custom TelemetryInitializer as below:
Then just add the initializer to the applicationinsights.config:
And after execution, the role name is the one which I set in the initializer:
Please have a try if it's ok at your side. And to make sure your RoleNameInitializer is called, you can set breakpoint there to see if it's called or not.