i want to serialize & deserialize a object (this object has reference) using BinaryFormatter.
i have expected that 'DeserializedObject.Equals(A.Empty)' is same to below code. but, a result is different.
in order to 'DeserializedObject == A.Empty', how to use serialize/deserialize ?
public class A
private string ID = null;
private string Name = null;
public A()
{ }
public static A Empty = new A()
ID = "Empty",
Name = "Empty"
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
A refObject = A.Empty; // Add reference with static object(Empty)
A DeserializedObject;
//before serialization, refObject and A.Empty is Same!!
Console.WriteLine("refObject and A.Empty is the same ");
using (Stream stream = File.Create("C:\\Users\\admin\\Desktop\\test.mbf"))
BinaryFormatter bin = new BinaryFormatter();
bin.Serialize(stream, refObject);
using (Stream stream = File.Open("C:\\Users\\admin\\Desktop\\test.mbf", FileMode.Open))
BinaryFormatter bin = new BinaryFormatter();
DeserializedObject = (A)bin.Deserialize(stream);
//compare DeserializedObject and A.Empty again.
//After deserialization, DeserializedObject and A.Empty is Different!!
if (DeserializedObject.Equals(A.Empty))
The reason for this is that they are different objects! You can check this by printing their GetHashCode(). The reason for this is that in your code:
- refObject is a reference to A.Empty (and thus the same object)
- DeserialisedObject is NOT a copy; it is a new instance and so a different object
However DeserializedObject should contain the same values (ID and Name). Note that refObject.ID will be the same object as A.Empty.ID; DeserialisedObject.ID will not, although is should contain (a copy of) the same data.
If you're just testing that deserialization is working, test that the values contained by DeserializedObject and A.Empty are the same.
If you have an immutable type which has one or more global singletons that represent standard values of the type (A.Empty
in your case), you can implement the IObjectReference interface and make BinaryFormatter
replace deserialized instances of the type with the appropriate, equivalent global singleton. Thus:
public class A : IObjectReference
private string ID = null;
private string Name = null;
public A()
{ }
public static A Empty = new A()
ID = "Empty",
Name = "Empty"
#region IObjectReference Members
object IObjectReference.GetRealObject(StreamingContext context)
if (this.GetType() == Empty.GetType() // Type check because A is not sealed
&& this.ID == Empty.ID
&& this.Name == Empty.Name)
return Empty;
return this;
And, to test:
public class TestClass
public static void Test()
A refObject = A.Empty; // Add reference with static object(Empty)
Test(refObject, true);
A dummy = new A(); // No global singleton for this one.
Test(dummy, false);
private static void Test(A refObject, bool shouldBeEqual)
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("refObject and A.Empty are {0}.", object.ReferenceEquals(refObject, A.Empty) ? "identical" : "different"));
var binary = BinaryFormatterHelper.ToBase64String(refObject);
var DeserializedObject = BinaryFormatterHelper.FromBase64String<A>(binary);
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("DeserializedObject and A.Empty are {0}.", object.ReferenceEquals(DeserializedObject, A.Empty) ? "identical" : "different"));
Debug.Assert(object.ReferenceEquals(refObject, A.Empty) == object.ReferenceEquals(DeserializedObject, A.Empty)); // No assert
Debug.Assert(shouldBeEqual == object.ReferenceEquals(refObject, DeserializedObject)); // No assert
public static class BinaryFormatterHelper
public static string ToBase64String<T>(T obj)
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
new BinaryFormatter().Serialize(stream, obj);
return Convert.ToBase64String(stream.GetBuffer(), 0, checked((int)stream.Length)); // Throw an exception on overflow.
public static T FromBase64String<T>(string data)
return FromBase64String<T>(data, null);
public static T FromBase64String<T>(string data, BinaryFormatter formatter)
using (var stream = new MemoryStream(Convert.FromBase64String(data)))
formatter = (formatter ?? new BinaryFormatter());
var obj = formatter.Deserialize(stream);
if (obj is T)
return (T)obj;
return default(T);