CompanyA is integrating with CompanyB where CompanyA's users will be buying devices of CompanyB.
CompanyA wants to show user's device(CompanyB) details on their app by calling
CompanyB's API on each user login.
CompanyA user is authenticated on CompanyA IAM.
CompanyA has to call register device when user tries to add an device first time.
Help me to identify the flow which i can use to query particular loggedin user's device only.
Do i need to create duplicate user account on CompanyB's IAM?
If i use client credential flow for API to API call, access token given by CompanyB is only provides access for API calls but it does not tell that on behalf of correct user only call is invoked.
Assume that CompanyA uses IdentityServer or any other provider as IAM and CompanyB uses Azure AD B2C.
Any other approach?
Please see below diagram,
You should be able to do this by making the Company B API multi-tenant in their Azure AD. There are other options surely, this is just the first one that came to my mind.
Overview of the multi-tenant pattern
You would have to do admin consent on it to get the API's service principal in your Azure AD tenant. The Company B API can give you an endpoint for doing this, redirecting you with the proper parameters to the authorization endpoint. How to send a sign-in request
After doing this, you should be able to then require permissions on the API from Company A API in your tenant (configured in Azure AD). Configure a client application to access web APIs
After doing those things, your API should be able to use On-Behalf-Of grant flow to get an access token for Company B API. Using Azure AD On-Behalf-Of flow in an ASP.NET Core 2.0 API
Company B API must be configured to accept access tokens from another issuer than their Azure AD of course.
In general multi-tenant scenarios, the issuer validation is commonly turned off.
If Company B wishes to have control over this, currently they will have to explicitly list the valid issuers.
Issuer values look like this: https://sts.windows.net/31537af4-6d77-4bb9-a681-d2394888ea26/
, the GUID is your Azure AD tenant id.
The Company B API can extract the tenant id and user object id from the access token, and authorize the user to resources based on them.
I was looking at the AWS side and looks like they have something that could meet the requirements
Was wondering if something like this exists in Azure.