dbpedia sparql query returns 0 result

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2019-12-13 03:45:52


I’m new to query languages and linked data so thanks a lot for the help. I also have a similar question about sparql on wikidata Wikidata sparql query returns 0 result

I would like to look up all the art movements in dbpedia with the associated artists (associated with the movement -peopleNam, famous for the movement-famousName, influence the movement-influenceName) here is my query with lots of redundant prefix (that I could not enter because of the amount of links)

SELECT ?movementName ?famousName ?peopleName ?influenceName
        WHERE {
        ?m dc:subject <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Category:Art_movements> .
        ?m rdfs:label ?movementName .
        FILTER(LANG(?movementName) = "en")
        ?m dbp:knownFor ?a .
        ?a rdfs:label ?famousName .
        FILTER(LANG(?famousName) = "en")
        ?m dbp:movement ?b .
        ?b rdfs:label ?peopleName .
        FILTER(LANG(?peopleName) = "en")
        ?m dbp:influencedBy ?d .
        ?d rdfs:label ?influenceName .
        FILTER(LANG(?influenceName) = "en")

When I run the query with only the movement name I get 235 results but whenever I add any other artist name, I get 0 result. Could you show me what went wrong?

A similar query is done in wikidata with some encouraging results but I haven’t tried to match the two sources yet.


