How to add a string of asterisks in Cobol? [closed]

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2019-12-13 03:43:05



If the inventory total is less than 50, add a string of two asterisks (**) at the end of the written row to notify the inventory manager that more inventory is needed. If the inventory total is less than 10, add a string of five asterisks (*****) at the end of the row to let the inventory manager know the need for more inventory is urgent.

How would I make a string of asterisks in Cobol?


How would I make a string of asterisks in Cobol?

There are two methods.

The first controls the number of characters at the destination and works best when the data item is initialized before the move. The second controls the number of characters at the source and works best when initialization of the destination is of no concern or when used as part of a STRING statement.

Method 1:

move all "*" to data-name-1 (1:number-of-asterisks)

For example:

   program-id. aster.
   data division.
   working-storage section.
   1 n pic 99.
   1 asterisk-line pic x(10) value space.
   procedure division.
       perform varying n from 10 by -1 until n < 1
           move all "*" to asterisk-line (1:n)
           display asterisk-line
           move space to asterisk-line
       stop run



Notice that the program moves spaces to clear the destination after displaying the asterisks. This is prevent too many asterisks from showing on the following lines.

Method 2:

move asterisks (1:number-of-asterisks) to data-name-1

For example:

   program-id. aster2.
   data division.
   working-storage section.
   1 n pic 99.
   1 asterisks pic x(10) value all "*".
   1 asterisk-line pic x(10) value space.
   procedure division.
       perform varying n from 10 by -1 until n < 1
           move asterisks (1:n) to asterisk-line
           display asterisk-line
       stop run

The output is the same as above.

Notice there is no need to move spaces (or initialize) the destination before moving the asterisks.

