I want to add embed media in TinyMce with media plugin. When I add an embed video for example with specific size value, when I save the post, the width is not correct. The following HTML is created:
<iframe src="//www.youtube.com/embed/XlpTLDulFe8" width="100" height="100" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe>
But infortunatly, i've the folowing CSS (mdl CSS) that overload my width-size:
iframe {
display: block;
width: 100%;
border: none;
I want to use instead a max-width:100%;
for keep iFrame width if it isn't superior to 100%
How can I disable the width property for iFrame created by TinyMce ? I've tried to get the HtmlElement for remove property and set another but without success.
I found a solution to my problem, this isn't the clever one but this still works well. I apply the css property to the parent <p>
of the <iframe>
(all iframe are put in <p>
I use the following function
public correctWidthIframe(html: string) {
let regex = /<p[^>]*>(<iframe*[^>]+(width=*[^height]*height="[0-9]*")[^>]*><\/iframe><\/p>)/g;
return html.replace(regex, (match, p1, p2) => {
let dimension = p2.match(/[0-9]+/g);
let style: string = '<p style="max-width:'+dimension.shift()+'px;">'; // only width is wrong
return style + p1;
I use this function when i want to create and modify message that contain embedVideo.