Ionic InAppBrowser not working on ios UIWebView

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2019-12-13 03:41:53


In my Ionic3 application I am using Ionic InAppBrowser for dropbox user authentication process. In this process dropbox returning login form in InAppBrowser which has two field email and password and other submit and login with google button. But when I click or try to focus on any of that input field, page is automatically refreshing and I am not able to enter login information.

This issue is only occurs if i use UIWebView for my application. If I upgrade my UIWebView to WKWebView, it's working properly. But if I will use WKWebView for my application there are many other issues will arise, which is not solvable. So I have to use UIWebView.

Please give me solution for this problem.

