I'm trying to send text message from SNS console from the supported region list: US East (N. Virginia),US West (Oregon) EU (Ireland) Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Asia Pacific (Singapore)
I tried with all above region but got the below response:
"notification": {
"messageId": "2deeb7d5-fc63-5353-962d-e56549411e4b",
"timestamp": "2017-12-17 18:09:38.321"
"delivery": {
"destination": "+919860694302",
"smsType": "Promotional",
"providerResponse": "Internal error",
"dwellTimeMs": 41
"status": "FAILURE"
I'm using the free tier feature and i have created a new account and IAM user. I tried to find the probable cause for this issue on aws forums,but didn't get any relevant answer
You can try sending a message via the AWS Command-Line Interface (CLI) to test the process:
aws sns publish --phone-number +91234567890 --message foo
This will help you determine whether the problem is with a particular region, a particular country or a particular recipient.