I have got a question that is related to this one: GTest fixture when constructor takes parameters?. I that question I wanted to know how to set up a GTest fixture when the tested class takes a parameter for the constructor. I tried to replicate the answer for blitz++ instead of arma, and I fail. Any clues?
The test class:
#include <blitz/array.h>
#include <vector>
class TClass {
std::vector<blitz::Array<double,2> * > mats;
TClass(std::vector<blitz::Array<double,2> * > m_);
blitz::Array<double,2> * GetM( int which ){ return( mats.at(which) );};
TClass::TClass(std::vector<blitz::Array<double,2> * > m_){
mats = m_;
The test:
#include <gtest/gtest.h> // Include the google test framework
#include "TClass.cpp"
class TClassTest : public ::testing::Test {
int n;
int m;
std::vector<blitz::Array<double,2> * > M;
virtual void SetUp() {
n = 3;
m = 2;
blitz::Array<double,2> M1(n,m);
blitz::Array<double,2> M2(n,m);
M.push_back( &M1);
M.push_back( &M2);
T = new TClass(M);
virtual void TearDown() {delete T;}
TClass *T;
TEST_F(TClassTest, CanGetM1){
EXPECT_EQ( T->GetM(0), M.at(0) );
TEST_F(TClassTest, CanSeeN){
EXPECT_EQ( 3, n );
TEST_F(TClassTest, CanSeeM){
EXPECT_EQ( 3, (*M.at(0)).extent(blitz::firstDim) );
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
The final test fails with
TClassTest.cpp:43: Failure
Value of: (*M.at(0)).extent(1)
Actual: 32767
Expected: 3
i.e. it seems that M1 is not allocated? Or it's gone out of scope?
It's gone out of scope, just before SetUp is finished. You probably want:
class TClassTest : public ::testing::Test
int n;
int m;
std::vector<blitz::Array<double,2> * > M;
virtual void SetUp() {
n = 3;
m = 2;
M.push_back( new blitz::Array<double,2>(n,m) );
M.push_back( new blitz::Array<double,2>(n,m) );
T = new TClass(M);
virtual void TearDown()
delete T;
delete M[0];
delete M[1];
TClass *T;
Another thing is that you are not supposed to include cpp files. Rename them to .h
or .hpp