How can I prevent a certain parameter of a nested relationship in rails from entering the log file - I am writing LARGE files to a column in the db and don't want rails to write that to the log file.. I know of filter_parameter_logging but it doesn't seem to work for nested models - I may just be putting in the wrong spot?
According to the Rails code this should work even for nested parameter hashes. You can implement the filter_parameters method on your controller to work around your issue. Read this thread for more details. I have posted the code from the thread above for your convenience.
def filter_parameters(unfiltered)
return unfiltered unless params[:action] == 'payment'
filtered = unfiltered.dup
filtered[:creditcard] = unfiltered[:creditcard].dup
filtered[:creditcard][:number] = '[FILTERED]'
filtered[:creditcard][:type] = '[FILTERED]'