I have a very basic problem with AJAX. I wish to use a tabbed layout with AJAX loading of my content.
see Retreiving Remote Content section.
My problem: I have no clue how replace the mockup AJAX
mockResponse : function(settings) {
var response = {
first : 'AJAX Tab One',
second : 'AJAX Tab Two',
third : 'AJAX Tab Three'
with views defined in my controller.
May I ask somebody to show me a working example.
Thank you in advance.
You can use the Semantic UI "api settings" in your js.
Tab buttons;
<div class="ui top attached tabular menu">
<a class="active item" data-tab="gallery" id="gallery_tab">Gallery</a>
<a class="item" data-tab="youtube" id="youtube_tab">Youtube Videos</a>
Tab contents;
<div class="ui bottom attached active tab" data-tab="gallery" id="gallery_tab_content"></div>
<div class="ui bottom attached tab" data-tab="youtube" id="youtube_tab_content"></div>
API settings for tabs;
$.fn.api.settings.api = {
// laravel route or url
'get gallery' : '{!! url('gallery/images') !!}}',
'get youtube' : '{!! route('youtube.videos') !!}}'
Then add the following codes for tab buttons
action: 'get gallery',
method : 'GET',
dataType: 'html',
stateContext : '#gallery_tab_content',
data: {
// if you want to send url data via POST/GET method
onSuccess: function(response) {
// load response content in "gallery_tab_content"
action: 'get youtube',
method : 'GET',
dataType: 'html',
stateContext : '#youtube_tab_content',