How te set diffrent homedirectories for multiple OUs?

社会主义新天地 提交于 2019-12-13 01:28:48


I'm building a script that checks if the homedirectory of the users are correct and if not set the correct path. OU-1 has a diffrent path than OU-2 and some users are an exception. But the script isn't working.

This is what I got so far:

$folderpath  = "\\\gebruikers\homedir\", "\\\share\homedirectories\"
$homedrive   = "H"
$SearchBase  = "OU=test,DC=Test,DC=org", "OU=users,DC=Test,DC=org"
$domain      = ""
$excludes    = @("test", "user22")
$i = 0

$filter3 = "homedirectory -notlike '$("$homepath[$i]")' -and samaccountname -ne '$($excludes -join "' -and samaccountname -ne '")'"

$SearchBase | foreach { 
    Get-ADUser -SearchBase $_ -Filter $filter3 -Properties HomeDirectory, UserPrincipalName, Homedrive, samaccountname | % {
        $homedirectory = "$($folderpath[$i])$($_.SamAccountName)"

        if (!(Test-Path -Path $homedirectory)) {
            New-Item -Type Directory -Path $homedirectory

            $acl = Get-Acl -Path $homedirectory

            $permission = $_.UserPrincipalname, 'FullControl', 'ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit', 'None', 'Allow'
            $rule = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule -ArgumentList $permission

            $permission = "$domain\Domain Admins", 'FullControl', 'ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit', 'None', 'Allow'
            $rule = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule -ArgumentList $permission

            Set-Acl -Path $homedirectory -AclObject $acl
            Set-ADUser $_ -HomeDirectory "$homedirectory" -HomeDrive $homedrive
        } elseif ($_.HomeDirectory -ne "$homedirectory*" -or $_.Homedrive -ne "$homedrive") {
            Set-ADUser $_ -HomeDirectory "$homedirectory" -HomeDrive $homedrive


If you create a mapping between OUs and home directories:

$homeShares = @{
  'OU=test,DC=Test,DC=org'  = '\\\gebruikers\homedir'
  'OU=users,DC=Test,DC=org' = '\\\share\homedirectories'

you can process them like this:

foreach ($ou in $SearchBase) {
  Get-ADUser -SearchBase $ou ... | ForEach-Object {
    $homedirectory = Join-Path $homeShares[$ou] $_.SamAccountName
    if (Test-Path ...) {

With that said, an IMHO much cleaner approach would be to put all home directories under a single share, adjust the (NTFS) permissions on that shared folder like this:

  • Administrators:
    • Full Control (this folder, subfolders and files)
    • Full Control (this folder, subfolders and files)
  • Authenticated Users:
    • List Folder (this folder only)
    • Create Folders (this folder only)
    • Write Attributes (this folder only)
    • Write Extended Attributes (this folder only)
    • Full Control (subfolders and files)

and have missing home directories automatically created with a simple logon script. In batch it would look somewhat like this:

if not exist \\server\share\%username% mkdir \\server\share\%username%

but you could use VBScript or PowerShell just as well.

Enable Access-based Enumeration on top of that, and your users will not only be able to access just their own home, but also won't even see anyone else's.

