I have a Dataframe with two columns: BrandWatchErwaehnungID
and word_counts
The word_counts
column is the output of `CountVectorizer (a sparse vector). After dropped the empty rows I have created two new columns one with the indices of the sparse vector and one with their values.
help0 = countedwords_text['BrandWatchErwaehnungID','word_counts'].rdd\
.filter(lambda x : x[1].indices.size!=0)\
.map(lambda x : (x[0],x[1],DenseVector(x[1].indices) , DenseVector(x[1].values))).toDF()\
.withColumnRenamed("_1", "BrandWatchErwaenungID").withColumnRenamed("_2", "word_counts")\
.withColumnRenamed("_3", "word_indices").withColumnRenamed("_4", "single_word_counts")
I needed to convert them to dense vectors before adding to my Dataframe due to spark did not accept numpy.ndarray
. My problem is that I now want to explode that Dataframeon the word_indices
column but the explode
method from pyspark.sql.functions
does only support arrays or map as input.
I have tried:
help1 = help0.withColumn('b' , explode(help0.word_indices))
and get the following error:
cannot resolve 'explode(`word_indices')' due to data type mismatch: input to function explode should be array or map type
Afterwards I tried:
help1 = help0.withColumn('b' , explode(help0.word_indices.toArray()))
Which also did not worked... Any suggestions?
You have to use udf
from pyspark.sql.functions import udf, explode
from pyspark.sql.types import *
from pyspark.ml.linalg import *
def indices(v):
if isinstance(v, DenseVector):
return list(range(len(v)))
if isinstance(v, SparseVector):
return v.indices.tolist()
df = spark.createDataFrame([
(1, DenseVector([1, 2, 3])), (2, SparseVector(5, {4: 42}))],
("id", "v"))
df.select("id", explode(indices("v"))).show()
# +---+---+
# | id|col|
# +---+---+
# | 1| 0|
# | 1| 1|
# | 1| 2|
# | 2| 4|
# +---+---+