How do I implement pinch to zoom to a parallax scrolling node
Here's the solution:
- (void)handlePitchZoom:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
UITouch* touch1 = [[[event allTouches] allObjects] objectAtIndex:0];
UITouch* touch2 = [[[event allTouches] allObjects] objectAtIndex:1];
// calculate scale value
double prevDistance = ccpDistance([touch1 previousLocationInView:[touch1 view]], [touch2 previousLocationInView:[touch2 view]]);
double newDistance = ccpDistance([touch1 locationInView:[touch1 view]], [touch2 locationInView:[touch2 view]]);
CGFloat relation = newDistance / prevDistance;
CGFloat newScale = self.scale * relation;
if ((newScale >= minScale) && (newScale <= maxScale)) {
CGPoint touch1Location = [parallaxNode convertTouchToNodeSpace:touch1];
CGPoint touch2Location = [parallaxNode convertTouchToNodeSpace:touch2];
// calculate center point between two touches
CGPoint centerPoint = ccpMidpoint(touch1Location, touch2Location);
// store center point location (ScrollableView space)
CGPoint centerPointInParentNodeSpace = [self convertPoint:centerPoint fromNode:parallaxNode];
CGPoint oldPoint = ccp(centerPointInParentNodeSpace.x * (self.scale), centerPointInParentNodeSpace.y * (self.scale));
self.scale = newScale;
CGPoint newPoint = ccp(centerPointInParentNodeSpace.x * (self.scale), centerPointInParentNodeSpace.y * (self.scale));
CGPoint diff = ccp(oldPoint.x - newPoint.x , oldPoint.y - newPoint.y);
[parallaxNode setPosition:ccp(parallaxNode.position.x + (diff.x*(1/self.scale)), parallaxNode.position.y + (diff.y*(1/self.scale)))];
Hope it will help someone...