I have created a silverlight app and have a listbox that is populated using a domaindatasource. I have created a button that takes the selected list item and updates a field (in my case its called IsDeleted) my domain service looks like this
public IQueryable<Employee> GetEmployees(int storeID)
return this.ObjectContext.Employees.Where(e=>(e.StoreID==storeID)&&(e.IsDeleted==false));
In my button event I am doing this
EmployeeRecord.IsDeleted = true;
The database is been updated as expected until the application is reloaded or I F5 than I don't see the update. What else should I be doing to see the update straight away?
You need to reload your domain context. Call the following:
myDomainDataSource.SubmitChanges((submitArgs) =>
if (submitArgs.IsComplete)
myDomainDataSource.Load<MyType>(myDomainDataSource.MyQuery(filterTextBox.Text), System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Client.LoadBehavior.RefreshCurrent, true);
if (myDataSource.CanLoad)
else if (submitArgs.HasError)
throw submitArgs.Error;
}, null);