How do you change the font Aptana Studio 3.5.0 editor tabs?

早过忘川 提交于 2019-12-12 18:10:15


My Aptana Studio just automatically updated to 3.5.0...the font size on the edit tabs is too big.

I cannot find a setting anywhere in the Preferences menu to change the UI Theme Font Sizes and theme colors.

My Theme is set to "Light Studio".

Does anyone have some config file magic to tweak the UI themes? I'm not talking about code editor colors here - rather the Tabs and sub windows that make up the Aptana/Eclipse app.

Thanks Much! Don


Tested in Windows 7: open the folder

%APPDATA%\Aptana Studio 3\plugins\org.eclipse.platform_4.3.2.v20140221-1700\css

find the css file related to your theme (for example e4_default.css is the default theme) and customize the rule CTabItem, for example:

CTabItem {
    font-style: normal;
    font-weight: normal;
    font-size: 9px;


It looks like an open bug. You can follow it at


If you go Window->Preferences->General->Appearance->Colors and Fonts->View and Editor Folders, then choose 'Part title font' (for tabs, etc.) or 'View message font'. Clicking on them will show a description of what that property applies to. The other items within the "View and Editor Folders" section only let you change the colour.

I had to restart Aptana for the changes to actually be displayed.

