I would like to get the Story name in a method annotated with @BeforeStory.
I need this for debugging purposes, cause i'm running a bunch of stories with runStoriesAsPaths and with multiple threads, and I'm trying to log wich thread is running wich story.
There is a way to do this?
THanks in advance.
first you need to create a new StoryReporter (extend that class). In that class you can add actions to be performed before/after story/scenario/step, and you have the story name. example:
public class NewStoryReporter implements StoryReporter {
private StoryReporter delegate;
public NewStoryReporter(StoryReporter delegate) {
this.delegate = delegate;
public void beforeStory(Story story, boolean givenStory) {
delegate.beforeStory(story, givenStory);
public void beforeScenario(String scenarioTitle) {
public void beforeStep(String step) {
if(step.equals("When after each step")){
then you need to extend StoryReporterBuilder, this creates your NewStoryReporter. example:
public class NewStoryReporterBuilder extends StoryReporterBuilder {
public StoryReporter build(String storyPath) {
StoryReporter delegate = super.build(storyPath);
return new NewStoryReporter(delegate);
then in your configuration, create an instance of the NewStoryReporterBuilder, and use it in
Configuration configuration = new YourConfiguration().useStoryReporterBuilder(newStoryReporterBuilder....)
Now in Jbehave it's configured in different way.
So, to achieve that goal you need to:
Create new class which extends org.jbehave.core.reporters.ConsoleOutput. Here you can modify various of methods. In your case - you need to override method:
public void beforeScenario(String title)
Check example attached in the end of this post to see how it can be done.
Create new instance of abstract class org.jbehave.core.reporters.Filter:
public static final Format YOUR_CUSTOM_CONSOLE = new Format("YOUR_CUSTOM_CONSOLE") { @Override public StoryReporter createStoryReporter(FilePrintStreamFactory factory, StoryReporterBuilder storyReporterBuilder) { return new TeamCityConsoleOutput(storyReporterBuilder.keywords()).doReportFailureTrace( storyReporterBuilder.reportFailureTrace()).doCompressFailureTrace( storyReporterBuilder.compressFailureTrace()); } };
Then you need to add this format to your story builder which you are using in your configuration, that mean:
new MostUsefulConfiguration() .useStoryReporterBuilder( new StoryReporterBuilder() ....//here are another modifications of sorey report builder .withFormats(YOUR_CUSTOM_CONSOLE , .../* another formats */ HTML, Format.XML, Format.TXT)) ....//here are another modifications of configuration .useStepMonitor(new CrossReference().getStepMonitor());
Here is example of such modification, which can be used to integration with TeamCity: https://github.com/jbehave/jbehave-core/blob/d15774bf763875662869cdc89ce924b1086af6f8/jbehave-core/src/main/java/org/jbehave/core/reporters/TeamCityConsoleOutput.java