Fast way to check if long integer is a cube (in Java)

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2019-12-12 12:33:47


I am writing a program in which I am required to check if certain large numbers (permutations of cubes) are cubic (equal to n^3 for some n).

At the moment I simply use the method

static boolean isCube(long input) {
    double cubeRoot = Math.pow(input,1.0/3.0);
    return Math.round(cubeRoot) == cubeRoot;

but this is very slow when working with large numbers (10+ digits). Is there a faster way to determine if integer numbers are cubes?


There are only 2^21 cubes that don't overflow a long (2^22 - 1 if you allow negative numbers), so you could just use a HashSet lookup.


You can first eliminate a large number of candidates by testing modulo given numbers. For example, a cube modulo the number 819 can only take on the following 45 values.

 0  125  181  818  720  811  532  755  476
 1  216   90  307  377  694  350  567  442
 8  343  559  629  658  351  190   91  469
27  512  287  252  638  118  603  161  441
64  729   99  701  792  378  260  468  728

So, you could eliminate actually having to compute the cubic root in almost 95% of uniformly distributed cases.


The Hacker's Delight book has a short and fast function for integer cube roots which could be worth porting to 64bit longs, see below.

It appears that testing if a number is a perfect cube can be done faster than actually computing the cube root. Burningmath has a technique that uses the "digital root" (sum the digits. repeat until it's a single digit). If the digital root is 0, 1 or 8, your number might be a perfect cube.

This method could be extremely valuable for your case of permuting (the digits of?) numbers. If you can rule out a number by its digital root, all permutations are also ruled out.

They also describe a technique based on the prime factors for checking perfect cubes. This looks most appropriate for mental arithmetic, as I think factoring is slower than cube-rooting on a computer.

Anyway, the digital root is quick to computer, and you even have your numbers as a string of digits to start with. You'll still need a divide-by-10 loop, but your starting point is the sum of digits of the input, not the whole number, so it won't be many divisions. (Integer division is about an order of magnitude slower than multiplication on current CPUs, but division by a compile-time-constant can be optimized to multiply+shift with a fixed-point inverse. Hopefully Java JIT compilers use that, too, and maybe even use it for runtime constants.)

This plus A. Webb's test (input % 819 -> search of a table of 45 entries) will rule out a lot of inputs as not possible perfect cubes. IDK if binary search, linear search, or hash/set would be best.

These tests could be a front-end to David Eisenstat's idea of just storing the set of longs that are perfect cubes in a data structure that allows quick is-present checks. (e.g. HashSet). Yes, cache misses are expensive enough that at least the digital-root test is probably worth it before doing a HashSet lookup, maybe both.

You could use less memory on this idea by using it for a Bloom Filter instead of an exact set (David Ehrman's suggestion). This would give another candidate-rejection frontend to the full calculation. The guavac BloomFilter implementation requires a "funnel" function to translate objects to bytes, which in this case should be f(x)=x).

I suspect that Bloom filtering isn't going to be a big win over an exact HashSet check, since it requires multiple memory accesses. It's appropriate when you really can't afford the space for a full table, and what you're filtering out is something really expensive like a disk access.

The integer cube root function (below) is probably faster than a single cache miss. If the cbrt check is causing cache misses, then probably the rest of your code will suffer more cache misses too, when its data is evicted.

Math.SE had a question about this for perfect squares, but that was about squares, not cubes, so none of this came up. The answers there did discuss and avoid the problems in your method, though. >.<

There are several problems with your method:

  • The problem with using pow(x, 1./3) is that 1/3 does not have an exact representation in floating point, so you're not "really" getting the cube root. So use cbrt. It's highly unlikely to be slower, unless it has higher accuracy that comes with a time cost.

  • You're assuming Math.pow or Math.cbrt always return a value that's exactly an integer, and not 41.999999 or something. Java docs say:

    The computed result must be within 1 ulp of the exact result.

    This means your code might not work on a conforming Java implementation. Comparing floating point numbers for exactly equal is tricky business. What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic has much to say about floating point, but it's really long. (With good reason. It's easy to shoot yourself in the foot with floating point.) See also Comparing Floating Point Numbers, 2012 Edition, Bruce Dawson's series of FP articles.

  • I think it won't work for all long values. double can only precisely represent integers up to 2^53 (size of the mantissa in a 64bit IEEE double). Math.cbrt of integers that can't be represented exactly is even less likely to be an exact integer.

FP cube root, and then testing the resulting integer, avoids all the problems that the FP comparison introduced:

static boolean isCube(long input) {
    double cubeRoot = Math.cbrt(input);
    long intRoot = Math.round(cubeRoot);
    return (intRoot*intRoot*intRoot) == input;

(After searching around, I see other people on other stackoverflow / stackexchange answers suggesting that integer-comparison method, too.)

If you need high performance, and you don't mind having a more complex function with more source code, then there are possibilities. For example, use a cube-root successive-approximation algorithm with integer math. If you eventually get to a point where n^3 < input <(n+1)^3, theninput` isn't a cube.

There's some discussion of methods on this math.SE question.

I'm not going to take the time to dig into integer cube-root algorithms in detail, as the cbrt part is probably not the main bottleneck. Probably input parsing and string->long conversion is a major part of your bottleneck.

Actually, I got curious. Turns out there is already an integer cube-root implementation available in Hacker's Delight (use / copying / distributing even without attribution is allowed. AFAICT, it's essentially public domain code.):

// Hacker's delight integer cube-root (for 32-bit integers, I think)
int icbrt1(unsigned x) {
   int s;
   unsigned y, b;

   y = 0;
   for (s = 30; s >= 0; s = s - 3) {
      y = 2*y;
      b = (3*y*(y + 1) + 1) << s;
      if (x >= b) {
         x = x - b;
         y = y + 1;
   return y;

That 30 looks like a magic number based on the number of bits in an int. Porting this to long would require testing. (Also note that this is C, but looks like it should compile in Java, too!)

IDK if this is common knowledge among Java people, but the 32bit Windows JVM doesn't use the server JIT engine, and doesn't optimize your code as well.


Please define very show. Here is a test program:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    for (long v = 1; v > 0; v = v * 10) {
        long start = System.nanoTime();
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
        long end = System.nanoTime();
        System.out.println(v + ": " + (end - start) + "ns");
static boolean isCube(long input) {
    double cubeRoot = Math.pow(input,1.0/3.0);
    return Math.round(cubeRoot) == cubeRoot;

Output is:

1: 290528ns
10: 46188ns
100: 45332ns
1000: 46188ns
10000: 46188ns
100000: 46473ns
1000000: 46188ns
10000000: 45048ns
100000000: 45048ns
1000000000: 44763ns
10000000000: 45048ns
100000000000: 44477ns
1000000000000: 45047ns
10000000000000: 46473ns
100000000000000: 47044ns
1000000000000000: 46188ns
10000000000000000: 65291ns
100000000000000000: 45047ns
1000000000000000000: 44477ns

I don't see a performance impact of "large" numbers.

