Cordova plugins manual installation

泄露秘密 提交于 2019-12-12 11:52:30


i tried to install this plugin on my Phonegap app, but the object window.tlantic.plugins.socket seems not to be istantiated. I think it's because when i try to install that plugin with

cordova plugin add com.tlantic.plugins.socket

it can't find it, so i have to use the entire url

cordova plugin add

and the installation works but not the plugin. If i build it from it returns

Error - The following plugin, plugin version or a dependancy of this plugin is not on npm: com.tlantic.plugins.socket@1

I just tried to install it manually, taking files from the github repository, but i can't make it work in any ways..could you give me some info on how to install manually a plugin in phonegap/cordova applications? Thank you very much.


  1. Download Plugin from the github.

  2. Add source files to your project

  3. change config.xml and androidmanifest.xml file(take the reference of plugin.xml file in downloaded plugin folder).

  4. Add plugin js code in your www folder and give the reference in html file.

Hope it will help to you


Try uninstalling the app before running with the new source / APK.

