Convert Kml with multiple features to Geojson

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2019-12-12 11:23:19


I use this code to convert a kml file with a single feature to a GeoJson file.

String kmlToGeoJson(String fileName)
        throws IOException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, XMLStreamException {

    FileInputStream reader = new FileInputStream(fileName);
    PullParser parser = new PullParser(new KMLConfiguration(),reader, SimpleFeature.class);

    FeatureJSON fjson = new FeatureJSON();
    FileWriter tmp = new FileWriter(fileName + ".geojson");
    BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(tmp);

    SimpleFeature simpleFeature = (SimpleFeature) parser.parse();

    while (simpleFeature != null) {
        fjson.writeFeature(simpleFeature, writer);
        simpleFeature = (SimpleFeature) parser.parse();

    return "success";

However, when I use a Kml file with multiple features like this one :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns="">
    <Style id="west_campus_style">
      <name>Google West Campus 1</name>
        <Data name="video">
          <value><![CDATA[<iframe width="480" height="360"
            src="" frameborder="0"
      <name>Google West Campus 2</name>
        <Data name="video">
          <value><![CDATA[<iframe width="480" height="360"
            src="" frameborder="0"
      <name>Google West Campus 3</name>
        <Data name="video">
          <value><![CDATA[<iframe width="480" height="360"
            src="" frameborder="0"

I get this Geojson file :

{ "type":"Feature",
         "properties":{"name":"Google West Campus 1",
                      "Style":"FeatureTypeStyleImpl[ name=name, [], rules=<1>                   (<RuleImpl> null\n)]"},
             "name":"Google West Campus 2",               
             "Style":"FeatureTypeStyleImpl[ name=name, [], rules=<1>(<RuleImpl> null\n)]"},
"properties":{"name":"Google West Campus 3",
              "Style":"FeatureTypeStyleImpl[ name=name, [], rules=<1>(<RuleImpl> null\n)]"},

It's like the whole kml file is considered a Single feature, with no comma between the features. How do I get it to consider the whole file as a Multiple Feature File I tried replacing SimpleFeature.class with SimpleFeatureCollection.class, buth the returned Geojson file is empty then.


I think that you need something like this to produce a FeatureCollection:

        FileInputStream reader = new FileInputStream(args[0]);
        PullParser parser = new PullParser(new KMLConfiguration(), reader, SimpleFeature.class);

        FeatureJSON fjson = new FeatureJSON();
        FileWriter tmp = new FileWriter(args[0] + ".geojson");
        BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(tmp);
        ArrayList<SimpleFeature> features = new ArrayList<>();
        SimpleFeature simpleFeature = (SimpleFeature) parser.parse();
        while (simpleFeature != null) {
            simpleFeature = (SimpleFeature) parser.parse();
        SimpleFeatureCollection fc = DataUtilities.collection(features);
        fjson.writeFeatureCollection(fc, System.out);

