How do I specify the PATH in NetBeans?

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2019-12-12 10:50:23


When running Ruby code on NetBeans (like when running the tests) I'm having some failures because a program is not being found. That program is installed somewhere in /opt and while for the shell I get that added to my PATH, it seems NetBeans is not getting it.

How do I specify the PATH in NetBeans?


In Unix, in your netbeans install directory (we'll call it $NETBEANS), there's an etc directory.

$NETBEANS/etc/netbeans.conf can be changed to add things to your PATH or set other environment variables for your Netbeans instances. I set some env variable for my Glassfish launches in there, for example.

Can't say for Windows.


Yes, I've had the same problem. In .netbeans IDE Top Menu click "Run" and then "Set Project Configuration". Go through the options there and you'll find what you need.

